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题目:The rationalizing influence of Artificial Intelligence on innovation management decision-making and government regulation

主讲人:Francesco Schiavone

(Full Professor at University Parthenope of Naples, Italy)



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Prof. Francesco Schiavone, Ph.D.

Full Professor at University Parthenope of Naples, Italy

Email:schiavone@uniparthenope.it - franz.schiavone@gmail.com

PEC Email:francesco.schiavone@pec.uniparthenope.it

Personal website:https://sites.google.com/view/franzschiavone

Parthenope website:https://www.uniparthenope.it/ugov/person/481

Dr. Francesco Schiavone is Full Professor of Innovation Management for the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies at the University Parthenope of Naples (Italy). Furthermore, he is Affiliated Professor of Innovation Management at the EM Lyon Business School and the Paris School of Business (France). He has implemented innovative teaching methods in different teaching modules and focused on the case study methodology.

Prof. Schiavone is currently associate editor for the Journal of Intellectual Capital and Innovations, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management. Furthermore, He also served as Guest Editor in leading academic and professional management journals including Production, Planning & Control, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Intellectual Capital. He is a member of the editorial boards of European Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, Management Decision, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Leadership in Health Services.

Prof. Schiavone’s research is focused on technology and innovation management, big data and artificial intelligence, digital transformation and healthcare management. He just completed a research project about patient innovation, which is a new form of user within the healthcare sector. The monography has been published in May 2020. He is now working on the new research about artificial intelligence in B2B contexts and the value of big data for precision medicine. Papers about this topic should be published soon in various prestigious academic journals.


Given innovation’s chaotic nature, organizations struggle to make decisions when managing innovation. Some scholars in innovation management hope artificial intelligence can solve this problem and provide a solution to support and rationalize innovation processes. The literature on this topic is, however, sparse and fragmented and the goal of this paper is to review systematically this literature to guide future research. We build on the garbage can model by Cohen, March and Olsen (1972) as our findings reveal that the rationalizing influences of AI on innovation management as a decision-making process is varied. Our results indicate four main influences that pave the way for future research: AI augmenting rationality, AI augmenting creativity, AI renewing the organizing of innovation, and AI triggering new challenges. Taken together, these findings suggest AI is not a tool that uniformly optimizes innovation management and decision-making, but is rather best understood as a multifaceted solution looking for problems to solve with intended and unintended rationalizing influences.

